Sun Storage 2540 Enterprise Servers Rental

Oracle Sun Server Rental In Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune , Noida & Gurgaon

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Sun Storage 2540 Enterprise Servers Rental Specification

Specification Storage 2540
Architecture Controller card small organizations. Both large and small enterprises face their own distinct challenges. The large enterprise buyer, with departmental and remote offices, is searching for a reliable and self administrable storage solution from a name they can trust. And the current small enterprise administrator, with uncons olidated Direct Attach Storage (DAS), requires a more efficient and networked storage solution. While each of these organizations faces its own unique storage demands, Oracle can satisfy both of these markets’ data requirements with the affordable, available, and high performance StorageTek 2540 array. Oracle’s expertise in external storage system development provides the intellectual groundwork for the StorageTek 2540 array ensuring best of breed technology and reliability. The StorageTek 2540 array combines Oracle’s time proven designs with advanced front end 4 Gb/sec FC host connectivity and next generation SAS back end technology to enable an organization’s productivity through data consolidation, availability, performance, and scalability